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Wikipedia:Categories for deletion/Category:Nova Scotia MHAs

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The following discussion comes from Wikipedia:Categories for deletion. This is an archive of the discussion only; please do not edit this page. -Kbdank71 17:01, 9 Mar 2005 (UTC)

This category is improperly named. It should be Category:Nova Scotia MLAs as all members of the legislature in that province use the MLA title. PullUpYourSocks 02:27, 1 Mar 2005 (UTC)

  • Delete. --Spinboy 17:36, 3 Mar 2005 (UTC)
  • Merge into Category:Nova Scotia politicians, as there are only two members to this category. Unless you wanted to add the contents of Category:Nova Scotia premiers, since, technically speaking, all permiers would simultaneously be MLAs. That would be rather picky and cumbersome, though. --Azkar 18:38, 3 Mar 2005 (UTC)
    • My point in creating the category was to more clearly separate Canadian politicians at the provincial level from ones at the federal level. The reason it can't just be in Nova Scotia politicians is that Nova Scotia politicians also includes federal MPs and senators, mayors of Nova Scotia cities, etc., and the categories have to be more clearly distinguished from each other than that. An equivalent category was created for each provincial legislature; Nova Scotia can't be singled out as different from other provinces. That the category happens to be underpopulated at the moment doesn't mean it's invalid; it simply means more articles haven't been filed or created yet. Bearcat 04:35, 5 Mar 2005 (UTC)
  • Agree to delete, I simply created the category at the wrong title. Bearcat 04:35, 5 Mar 2005 (UTC)