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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a page for me to test wikipedia and its editing tools. Please don't edit - it could be helpful to others if they happen to stumble across it. Thank you.

Most importantly, if you want to start a new line you need to put a carraige-return between the two consecutive lines. A new paragraph involve needs two carraige-returns.

How... are you?


It truly is:


Highlight and click on appropriate internal-link icon

Internal link to Borehamwood

Same as above but with external-link icon. Remember the http:// part, and separate the name of the website with a space, obviously. Note well the nowiki formatting (within edit function) of http:// previously, compared to this one just typed.

External link to OnArt

Title headline font. Also, if anyone knows how to put in a Contents list at the start of the page, please let me know - I've a feeling that they only work with normal wiki-pages, not user-pages.

Level 2 Headline


How do I get this to be the second title in Contents list?


For images, you have to upload them to the central file-server of wikipedia. Give it a really unique file-name so that it won't copy over someone else's picture, unless you are feeling like a complete bastard. Then link the name of the file.

Titling pictures:

Plate of sausage and mash

lots of '< br >'s if you want to space out the picture from the text

Or you could put a list of items here:

Ditto for media files, I suspect. This is their example (if you just click on the icon without anything highlighted): name of video clip here

I wonder where the space has gone from between 'Math' and 'formula'...

Horizontal line: