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Active since:
I am active on this account on Wikipedia since 1 April 2005 02:02.

Before I created an account, I was already active on Wikipedia. My first edits I did on 22 December 2004 01:39, from my IP address (not in use by me anymore nowadays, 'coz I moved!).



My English knowledge is actually somewhere in between En-3 and En-4, just as my German, that I already spoke from about the age of 10. Of course nobody´s perfect and I will still make some mistakes here and there... If you find any mistakes on my user pages, please go ahead and correct them. I don´t mind and will probably even thank you for it!



Birthday: 13 July 1972

Birthplace: Maastricht, The Netherlands

Nationality: Dutch

Home town: Santpoort-Noord (Netherlands) (Municipality of Velsen, which is just north of Haarlem and 25 km west of Amsterdam)

Education: VWO (compare this to High school + College), HTS Rijswijk Technische Natuurkunde (Polytechnics graduated in Industrial Engineering, KLM Flight Academy (graduated as airline pilot)

Profession: airline pilot with KLM since 2002 (currently as First Officer on the Boeing 737 NG)


Hobbys: Karate, geocaching, fitness, cycling, diving, Japanese language, computers (website, wikipedia, etc.)

Other interests: martial arts in general, religions (esp. Buddhism), languages in general, travelling.

Trivia: Living together with a gorgeous Japanese lady. Together we have a happy, beautiful, energetic baby boy, who is now 2 1/2 years old (born in August 2008). Because he demands lots of attention, and as a good father I won't deny that to him, my contributions to Wikipedia have decreased to a minimum. But I do what I can... I want to contribute to Wikipedia in an honest way and with the best intentions.



I sometimes pretend to know a lot about a subject. I do have a broad knowledge, but about subjects I don't know much about I go through some thorough research before writing about it or editing text in articles... I am very persistent, sometimes a bit stubborn, but I can always be talked with and as long as you treat me with respect, you'll get back the same amount of respect from me.

I DO have quite a bit of knowledge about the next subjects (amongst others):

  • Genseiryu karate: holder of black belt (1st dan) in this style.
  • Karate in general: I started in 1987 with Wado Ryu, later the school changed the style to Shotokan. I stopped at this school at 4th kyu, but I kept on training and occasionally joined a club in Maastricht, Geneva and Tucson, Az.
  • World Genseiryu Karatedo Federation (WGKF): besides the fact that my club is a member, I did a lot of research on and for the WGKF. Also, I am taught by the director-general of the WGKF, sensei Konno and I am in (close) contact with some other WGKF teachers.
  • Maastricht: My hometown. I grew up here and my parents still live there. I speak the language (local dialect) and know the city as the back of my pocket. I also speak the local dialect "Mestreechs", which is similar to Limburgish (Limburgs) what I put in the babel-column, because there is no template for "Mestreechs"...
  • Physics: Graduated in Industrial engineering, main subject (major): photonics and graduated at CERN
  • Mathematics: was always good in it, gave (private) lessons myself and still have a healthy interest in it.
  • Aviation: I am an airline pilot now, so ask me anything about this subject! If I don't know, I have a good reason to jump in the books again! ;-)
  • Boeing 747-400: This is the type of airplane I am flying currently (as Second Officer).

My enthusiasm


Wikipedia is like a drug: before you know it, you´re addicted! Da more ya read and edit, da more ya hands start itching! Anyway, I don´t have enough free time to edit/create bunches of articles in a short time, as some Wikipedes do... My personal list of contributions to the English Wikipedia is yet still quite a short list, but growing steadily! My list on the Dutch Wikipedia is growing faster, since that is my native language. In case you understand Dutch, go to the Gebruikerspagina van UsagiM.

By the way, in the 'Babel block' on the right it also says Limburgs. Actually this should be Mestreechs, the local dialect of Maastricht, but there's not yet a template (nor Wiki) for that language! Also I am learning Japanese, but that does not yet have a level worth mentioning... Although not yet level 1, I can have a small talk, have basic knowledge about the grammatical structure and history of the language, and I can read and write hiragana en katakana, and some kanji too.
