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International Weblogger's Day


International Weblogger's Day is celebrated on June 14th to celebrate the work of webloggers worldwide. The main page can be accessed here.

This idea emerged from an ambitious weblogger named Rio who wanted to come up with something to express his gratitude to his friends that constantly posted comments on his weblog. The project blasted off sometime in April of 2004, and he started posting comments on random blogs about the upcoming event so that people would find out. Since it started off rather successfully, he has been more and more dedicated to making the project a reality, although when faced with the question of what would happen on the day, he has hardly an answer.

The idea of this site is to unite webloggers from across the world in a petition to the global community for a such a day as an "international weblogger's day". While yet an unofficial event, webloggers can commemorate the work of their peers by celebrating this day.